Create an Employer Account
Use this guide to create an Employer account.
From the Home Page access the Admin Dashboard screen. |
Process Steps
To create an Employer account:
1. Click the Add an Employer Account link in the Employer Administration section on the Admin Dashboard.
· The Employer Information screen is displayed.
2. Enter the company name in the Company Legal Name textbox.
3. Enter the Employer Identification Number in the Employer Identification Number (EIN) textbox.
4. Check the box to Attest this EIN is valid.
5. Click Next.
· The EIN Submitted confirmation screen is displayed.
6. Click Proceed.
· The Employer Information screen is displayed.
7. In the Employer Information section:
a. Confirm the Company/Organization name in the Company/Organization Name textbox. (Note that the Company/Organization Legal Name is populated.)
b. Select the radio button to indicate if the Employer Currently offers health insurance to employees.
c. Enter the number of employees eligible for health insurance coverage, including eligible part-time employees.
8. In the Company/Organization Address section enter a valid Rhode Island State address.
9. In the Contact Information section:
a. Enter the Employer’s first name in the First Name textbox.
b. Enter the Employer’s middle name in the Middle Name textbox.
c. Enter the Employer’s last name in the Last Name textbox.
d. Enter the Employer’s title in the Title textbox.
e. Enter the Employer’s primary phone number in the Primary Phone Number textbox in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX.
f. Select the primary phone type from the Type drop-down menu.
g. Enter the Employer’s secondary phone number in the Secondary Phone Number textbox in the format XXX-XXX-XXXX.
h. Select the secondary phone type from the Type drop-down menu.
i. Enter the Employer’s email address in the Email Address textbox.
10. Click Next.
· The Create Account screen is displayed.
11. Enter new username in the Username textbox.
12. Enter new password in the Password textbox.
13. Re-enter password in the Re-Enter Password textbox.
14. Select three security questions from the drop-down menus and enter answers to the questions in the Security Questions textboxes.
15. Check the textbox to agree with the User Acceptance Agreement.
16. Check the textbox to provide Consent for Access to Data.
17. Click Next.
· The Verify Your Identity screen is displayed.
18. Enter the date of birth and the social security number in the respective textboxes.
19. Click Next.
· If the information is not verified, a Referral Code screen, which provides a referral code and the Contact Center number, is displayed.
· If the information is verified, a second Verify Your Identity screen is displayed to answer past experience questions verified against the Federal Data Hub.
20. Answer the past experience questions by selecting the radio button adjacent to the correct answer.
21. Click Next.
· The Employee Census screen is displayed.
22. In the Employee Census section, select the radio button to indicate if the employee census is being entered manually or uploaded to RI UHIP.
· If Upload is chosen, download, complete, and save the Employee Census Excel Template, browse for the saved template and click the Upload button.
· If Manual is chosen, for each of the employees:
a. Enter employee’s first name in the First Name textbox.
b. Enter employee’s middle name in the Middle Name textbox.
c. Enter employee’s last name in the Last Name textbox.
d. Select the employee’s suffix from the Suffix drop-down box.
e. Select employee’s date of birth from the Date of Birth calendar in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select it from the calendar.
f. Enter employee’s social security number in the Social Security Number textbox in the format XXX-XX-XXXX.
g. Re-enter the employee’s social security number in the Social Security Number (Re-enter) textbox in the format XXX-XX-XXXX.
h. Select Yes or No from the drop-down Do you expect this employee to enroll in coverage?
i. Select the drop-down to indicate the Employee Group to which the employee belongs.
Different contributions for different groups of employees can be selected later in the setup process. Designate a group for each employee here. |
j. Enter employee’s ID in the Employee ID textbox.
k. Enter employee’s address in the Employee Address section.
l. Enter employee’s household details in the Household Details section: Spouse/Dependent(s) first and last names, social security number(s) and date(s) of birth.
23. Click Next.
· The Employee Census screen is displayed.
24. Review the information in the employee census and click Next.
· A text box asking whether to assign an administrator to manage the account is displayed.
25. Select the radio button to indicate if an Administrator is allowed to manage the account.
· If Yes, select one of the employees from the drop-down menu to have an employee appointed as an account administrator.
26. Click Next.
· The Next Steps screen is displayed.
27. Review the text on the screen and click Proceed.
· The Choose Your Employees’ Options screen is displayed.
Employers can choose Single Plan coverage or Full Employee Choice coverage for their employees. In Single Plan coverage, Employers choose a single plan that is offered to employees. In Full Employee Choice coverage, Employers designate one plan as a reference plan, to set the contribution levels. Employees can choose from any of the plans offered. If a more expensive plan is chosen, employees pay the difference. |
28. Select the radio button to choose Single Plan or Full Employee Choice coverage.
29. In the Define the Enrollment Period for Employees section:
a. Select from the calendar the date to begin open enrollment for the employees.
b. Select from the calendar the date to end open enrollment for the employees.
c. Select from the calendar the date for coverage to become effective for the employees.
30. Click Next.
31. A Plan Summary screen is displayed.
32. As desired, use the filter options to filter the available plans (or, close out of the window by clicking Close in the upper right corner or Cancel in the lower left corner). Filter options are:
a. Move the slider to define the total monthly cost range of the plans.
b. Check the box(es) to indicate the plan levels.
c. Check the box(es) to indicate the carriers.
d. Check the box(es) to indicate in-state or national carriers.
e. Check the box(es) to indicate the plan network type.
f. Check the box(es) to indicate plans compatible with HAS/HRA.
33. Click Apply Filters.
· The Choose a Plan screen is displayed with information about the plans. It includes, for plans available, the respective deductible, co-pays, and monthly cost.
34. Review the plans available:
a. To compare plans, click the Add to Compare button underneath each plan. Then click View Comparisons.
b. To sort plans, click the Sort By button and select a sorting option.
c. To narrow the search, select the options from the Narrow My Search box and click Update.
35. Click the Select button to choose a plan.
· The Set Contribution Level screen is displayed.
36. Review the text on screen.
37. Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to indicate if the Employer wishes to select different contribution levels for eligible employees.
38. Select the radio button to indicate if contribution levels are to be entered in dollar amounts or percentages.
39. Enter the contribution levels:
a. Enter employee only contribution level in the Employee Only textbox.
b. Enter employee plus dependent contribution level in the Employee Plus Dependent textbox.
c. Enter employee plus spouse contribution level in the Employee Plus Spouse textbox.
d. Enter family contribution level in the Family textbox.
40. To calculate the costs, click the Calculate button.
· Total monthly costs, employer costs and employee costs are displayed.
41. Click Next.
An Affordability Notice is displayed indicating that some employees may not be able to afford the coverage offered. Coverage is considered "affordable" if the employee's portion of the monthly premium is less than 9.5% of his/her monthly income. To go back and adjust contributions, click the Adjust Contribution Settings button. |
42. Click OK to proceed with the current plan design.
· A Confirmation screen is displayed.
43. Review the information and click the Finalize and Pay button.
· The Electronic Signature screen is displayed.
44. Ask the Employer to review the text on screen.
45. Ask the Employer to check box to electronically sign the application.
46. Ask the Employer to check the box to get confirmation email.
47. Ask the Employer to enter his/her first name, middle name, last name, and title in the textboxes.
48. Ask the Employer to select the date from the calendar.
A PDF document may be printed of the Electronic Signature Page for the employer’s records. Click Print PDF for print options. |
49. Click the Submit button.
· The Final Confirmation screen is displayed.
50. Review the information on the screen and click the Go to Dashboard Button.
· The Admin View of the Employer Dashboard is displayed.
Results of the Procedure
A new Employer account is created and a coverage plan is selected.